This site is in an experimental state.
There will be some updates from time to time.
Check it out and come back later.
You can leave a message, if you like to.
Peace out.
A list with nearly all german game studios here
Click just right here
Just added some of my Diablo 3 Pictures
Just added some of my Anno 1404 Pictures
Nothing special at all. :)
A java based game of life version
Added a Slideshow to this site,
where you can take a look at my collection
Visit this section here
I also added the full description to every single piece in the trading section.
Click here
Both available only in german!
Take a look at my favorite Mahjong version.
Can you beat it on the highest difficulty like me?
Try it for yourself here
Now you can see my collection of OCB-Papers France-Edition.
There is also an overview of my trading offer.
Both here
You can take a look at the offical forum as well.
ATTENTION: German language skills required!
Added a new MessageBoard to the site. Feel free and join.
Now you can join the offical IRC-Channel.
Just added the almost famous Helicoptergame to this Website.
You can try to beat my score.
Play Helicoptergame
Added a list of some usefull life hacks. There is more to come in the future
The list is located here
Auch auf Deutsch verfügbar!
Now you can take a quick talk with Cobb from Monkey Island.
Maybe he got some pretty hot infos this time?
You can find him here
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